Courses Credits (c.u.)
BCB 716 Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis 1.0
BCB 720 Introduction to Statistical Modeling 3.0
BIOC 650 Basic Principles: From Basic Models to Collections of Macromolecules 1.5
CBIO 893 Advanced Cell Biology I 4.0
CBMC 805 Molecular Modeling 3.0
CBMC 807 Foundations of Chemical Biology:  Organic and Medicinal Chemistry (CHEM 733) 3.0
GNET 621 Principles of Genetic Analysis 1 (BIOL 621) 3.0
GNET 631 Advanced Molecular Biology I (BIOC 631, BIOL 631, MCRO 631, PHCO 631) 3.0
MCRO 614 Immunobiology 3.0
MCRO 630  Virology 3.0
MOPH 810  Drug Metabolism 3.0
NBIO 722 Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (PHYI 722, PHCO 722) 2.0
OBIO 730 Biological Concept: Introductory Extracellular Matrix Biology 1.5
PATH 713 Molecular and Cellular Pathophysiological Basis of Disease: Mechanisms of Disease 3.0
PHCO 701 Introduction to Molecular Pharmacology 3.0
PHYI 702 Experimental Physiology of Human Health and Disease 4.0


Note: Alternative coursework may be approved on a case by case basis with program leadership. Science Elective courses may be completed at any time during participation in the Certificate program, or prior to applying. Ideally, however, these course(s) would be completed prior to applying for the Certificate—if so, these courses should have been completed within 3 years from the start of the Certificate program, and documentation should be provided when applying.


BCB 716 BIOINFORMATICS AND SEQUENCE ANALYSIS (1). BCB Core Module. This module introduces foundational statistical concepts and models that motivate a wide range of analytic methods in bioinformatics, statistical genetics, statistical genomics, and related fields. Students are expected to know single-variable calculus (differentiation and integration in 1 dimension), be familiar with matrix algebra and have some programming experience. The course will include material on partial differentiation of multiparameter functions, and use the statistical package R extensively. Familiarity with these will be an advantage but is not assumed. Lecture Course 

BCB 720 INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL MODELING (3). BCB Core Module. This module is designed to introduce students to concepts and methods in the comparative analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequences, including sequence alignment, homology search, phylogenetics and genome assembly. Lecture Course

BIOC 650 BASIC PRINCIPLES: FROM BASIC MODELS TO COLLECTIONS OF MACROMOLECULES (1.5). Prerequisites, CHEM 430 and two semesters of physical chemistry or permission of the instructor. Basic molecular models and their use in developing statistical descriptions of macromolecular function. Course intended primarily for graduate students. Lecture Course

CBIO 893 ADVANCED CELL BIOLOGY I (4). Literature based discussion course on the application of modern approaches from multiple disciplines in Cell Biology.  Emphasis is on small group discussion and dissection of primary literature including methods, scientific logic, and critical thinking.  Maximum of 12 students are allowed in the class.  Students not currently in Cell & Developmental Biology Department who are interested in this course should contact the course director prior to registering. Paper Discussions

CBMC 805 MOLECULAR MODELING (3). Prerequisites, MATH 231–232, CHEM 481, permission of the instructor. Introduction to computer-assisted molecular design (CAMD) of small molecules. Emphasis on the practical use of molecular and quantum mechanics programs (MM2, MNDO, GAUSSIAN). Two lecture and three to four laboratory hours a week. Lecture Course/Lab

CBMC 807 FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGY:  ORGANIC AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY (CHEM 733) (3). Prerequisite, CHEM 262 or equivalent.  Elements of organic chemistry required for the design and synthesis of biologically active compounds. Lecture/Paper Discussions

CHEM 732 ADVANCES IN MACROMOLECULAR STRUCTURE-ENZYME DESIGN AND ENGINEERING (3).**** In-depth analysis of the structure-function relationships that govern fundamental biological processes. Topics vary year to year and may include replication, translation, RNA processing, macromolecular assemblies, natural product biosynthesis, enzyme catalysis, design and engineering. Pielak, Gary. TR 11–12:15pm. Kenan B125 ** For students who would like to strengthen their basic knowledge of Biochemistry. **** Strongly recommended for BBSP students interested in Biochemistry & Chemical Biology. Paper Discussions

GNET 621 PRINCIPLES OF GENETIC ANALYSIS 1 (BIOL 621) (3). Fundamental principles of genetic analysis including mitosis and meiosis, linkage and mapping, recombination, mutagenesis, complementation, epistasis, bacterial genetics, transposable elements, genetics of mosaics, forward and reverse genetic techniques and genetic screening, genetic dissection of biochemical and signal transduction pathways, and gene cloning. Lecture Class/Paper Discussions

GNET 631 ADVANCED MOLECULAR BIOLOGY I (BIOC 631, BIOL 631, MCRO 631, PHCO 631) (3). DNA structure, function, and interactions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, including chromosome structure, replication, recombination, repair, and genome fluidity. Three lecture hours a week. Lecture Class/Paper Discussions

MCRO 614 IMMUNOBIOLOGY (3). Prerequisites, a strong background in molecular biology, eukaryotic genetics, and biochemistry. Topics include immunochemistry; genetic mechanisms, and development of cells and cell interactions; hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, resistance to infection. Lecture Course

MCRO 630  VIROLOGY (3). Prerequisites, molecular biology and cell biology. Current concepts of the chemistry, structure, replication, genetics, and natural history of animal viruses and their host cells. Lecture Course

MOPH 810  DRUG METABOLISM (3). Permission of the instructor. Introduction to the use of concepts, chemistry, enzymology, and techniques in drug metabolism for the design and development of safe and effective therapeutic agents. 

NBIO 722 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY (PHYI 722, PHCO 722) (2) Pre-requisites: basic undergraduate biology, chemistry, physics and intro calculus is assumed.  Comprised of 6 blocks (MWF 10:10am-12:05pm), see below for first 3 blocks. Lecture Course/Paper Discussions

OBIO 730 Biological Concept: Introductory Extracellular Matrix Biology (1.5). This module (OBIO 730) focuses on the roles of extracellular matrices during normal development and disease and mechanisms of ECM during cellular and tissue growth and development, and processes associated with the structures and molecules which comprise craniofacial and related tissues.

PATH 713 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF DISEASE: MECHANISMS OF DISEASE (3). This is a graduate course on cell injury and pathogenesis of disease with emphasis on basic mechanisms at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels. The course objectives include: (i) to convey to students an understanding of various pathophysiologic processes, including cellular injury, inflammation, immune responses, neoplasia, hemodynamic disorders, and vascular disease, and (ii) to teach students to recognize and describe normal histology and histologic changes manifest in various pathophysiologic processes, including cellular injury, inflammation, immune responses, neoplasia, hemodynamic disorders, and vascular disease. This is a team-taught course. Members of the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine faculty and guest faculty lecturers present information on histology and pathologic mechanisms of disease. Course content is derived from the leading pathology textbook and primary literature. Student performance in the course will be assessed through in-class and take-home examinations.

PHCO 701 INTRODUCTION TO MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY (3). Permission of the instructor required. A first-year pharmacology course outlining the basic of molecular pharmacology, including molecular biology, bioinformatics, drug/receptor interactions, receptors and ion channels, regulation of second messengers, drug metabolism and system pharmacology. Lecture Course

PHYI 702 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY OF HUMAN HEALTH AND DISEASE (4). Students will learn the principles of cell, organ and systems physiology and pathophysiology required to identify and understand important areas of current biomedical research. Companion course to PHYI 703. Both courses will cover a variety of physiological systems (cardiovascular, neuro, respiratory, etc), and will emphasize examples of specific diseases (channelopathies, schizophrenia, hypertension, diabetes, etc) and current research opportunities. PHYI 702 will focus mainly on non-human model systems (cultured cells, mice, zebrafish, etc), while PHYI 703 (offered in the spring) will include many examples of approaches that utilize human samples or human genomics.  In addition to lectures and ample time for in-class discussions, both courses will have a strong emphasis on the current research literature and will include journal-club discussion of assigned papers. Lecture Course