1. Coursework (9 cu)
- Science Course Elective (3 CU)
- BIOL 810: College Science Teaching (2 CU)
- EDUC 890: Curriculum Design Seminar (2 CU)
- EDUC 865: College Teaching Internship (2 CU)
3. Teaching Document (choose one):
- Teaching Portfolio
- Teaching in Action Research Project
4. Prerequisite Workshops, Seminars, Courses (Optional – Recommended, 10 hours) – examples listed below
- TIBBS Summer Teaching Series
- Center for Faculty Excellence’s Future Faculty Fellowship Program (FFFP)
- CIRTL MOOCs, Learning Communities, Workshops, etc.
- Relevant workshops or coursework in the School of Education
- Other non-credit bearing courses and Graduate School Professional Development programs*
- Attend local, regional, or national teaching or education conferences**
5. Service Obligation (Optional – Recommended, 1 year) – examples listed below
- Future Science Educator (FuSE) leadership
- TIBBS Summer Teaching Series Planning Committee (TIBBS Advisory Board)
- CIRTL MOOC Local Learning Community Leader
- Organize departmental seminars, colloquia, brown bags on educational topics
- Serve on teaching conference planning committee **
* For example, PITAP 810 Preparing International Teaching Assistants Program-PITAP: Communicating in the American Classroom
** Examples of education conferences include (but are note limited to): American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators; National Science Teacher’s Association/North Carolina Science Teacher’s Association; Association for Science Teacher Education-International/Regional; Elon University’s Annual Teaching and Learning Conference – local and free to attend
Instructions: Upon program completion, approved CCST candidates who have completed all requirements should submit the CCST Completion of Requirements Form along with supporting documentation to Rebekah Layton, PhD, Program Coordinator, at